Welcome! At The Anxiety Treatment Center of Tulsa, we are dedicated to offering effective, well-researched treatment techniques for various forms of anxiety and stress-related challenges—but always with human warmth, authenticity, and respect for the client's dignity. Or, as we like to say, “Evidence-based treatment, with a heart.”

Anxiety and fear are normal aspects of human nature, and normal parts of life. According to the U.S. government's National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), over the course of any 12 months, more than 40 million American adults will develop an anxiety disorder—and this doesn't count the millions of children who suffer from anxiety, too.

But anxiety doesn't have to be strong enough to be considered an official disorder...for a person to benefit from talking about what's causing them stress, and receiving emotional support, developing enhanced coping strategies, doing some problem-solving, and learning techniques for managing stress and feeling better.

Most people will suffer from unwanted anxiety or fear, or too much stress, at various points in life. If now is one of those times for you or for a loved one, and it's making life less joyful or productive than it could be, please don't hesitate to be in touch. We can help.

Please see the various sections of this website, to learn more about our philosophy and clinical approach, as well as more practical things, such as fees/insurance, location, and what to expect.

Please note: For the past number of years, all our sessions are conducted by phone.

To discuss setting an appointment, please call Michael Posner, MSW, LCSW, DCSW, at (918) 830-3750.