For Physicians, Nurses & Medical Staff
If you have a patient who can benefit from better managing anxiety or stress, please keep us in mind.
The Anxiety Center of Tulsa treats a wide range of anxiety disorders and stress difficulties using an evidence-based approach.
Conditions Treated
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Panic Disorder and Panic Attacks
Social Anxiety (Social Phobia)
Specific Phobias
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Health Anxiety
Body-Focused Repetitive Disorders (BFRD), such as hair-pulling, nail-biting, etc.
Separation Anxiety, School-Refusal, etc.
Depression, when associated with Anxiety
Anger, when associated with Anxiety
Stress and Stress Management
For further elaboration on these conditions, please see the "Conditions Treated" set of pages accessible on the horizontal navigation bar toward the top of this page.
We apply well-researched cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques (CBT), along with mindfulness-based techniques, acceptance and commitment therapy techniques (ACT), solution-focused brief therapy (SBFT), habit-reversal training (HRT), problem-solving and various other modalities, based on the individual needs and circumstances of each patient. And along with clinical expertise, we approach each patient with empathy, compassion, and a respect for his or her dignity.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy, including both the cognitive elements of managing distorted thoughts and the behavioral elements of exposure techniques and habit-reversal training, among other approaches we apply, has been shown in many studies to be effective at treating various anxiety disorders, either alone or in combination with medication.
Our services are strictly outpatient. We work with adults, adolescents, and children...and in the case of children, a parent attends each session. We offer both individual sessions and group sessions.
We have no psychiatrists or other physicians on staff, so we do not prescribe medication or manage medication. We focus on the psychological and behavioral elements. And we encourage patients to follow their physician's advice on medical and medication matters.
Please note that our services are out-of-network with insurance companies, and patients pay for each session at the time of service. Our fees are moderate, with the fee for the initial hour-long evaluation/assessment being $150, and the fee for subsequent 45-minute sessions being $120. Group session fees are $40 per 75-minute group.
We would be honored to receive your referrals, and would be happy to provide you with business cards and brochures. If you prefer, we would also be happy to coordinate our care of any of your patients with you and to provide you with periodic summaries/updates on a case (providing we receive the necessary patient permission).
For further information, or for any patient referrals, please call Michael Posner, MSW, LCSW, DCSW at (918) 809-4777, or simply feel free to pass on our phone number to patients. Thank you.