Educators, Teachers, School Counselors, etc.
If you have a student or parent who may benefit from treatment for anxiety or stress, please keep us in mind. We treat the entire spectrum of anxiety disorders, as well as stress and stress-related conditions. For a complete list of the conditions we treat, and an elaboration on these conditions, please see our web page "Conditions Treated," the link to which is accessible at the top of this page.
Many students benefit greatly from such issues being addressed, both so they can learn better and also so that they can better integrate socially into their peer group. And if a parent struggles with anxiety issues, the child's welfare is also likely to improve if the parent gets treated.
Please bear in mind that our services are out-of-network with insurance companies, so we do not bill insurance companies, and patients pay for each session at the time of service.
We would be honored to receive your referrals, and would be happy to provide you with business cards and brochures. For any questions, or for any referrals of parents or students, Michael Posner, MSW, LCSW can be reached at (918) 809-4777. Thank you.