Panic Attacks & Panic Disorder

If you're having a panic attack it can feel like something very dangerous is happening to you—you might feel like you're going to faint, go crazy, or have a heart attack. You might feel short of breath, or like your throat or chest are tight or painful. You might feel disoriented or lightheaded or dizzy. Your hands and fingers might get numb or tingly. You might feel an overpowering sense of dread or doom, and a strong urge to escape. You might feel nausea, stomach cramps, or other gastrointestinal problems.

Below we list some common symptoms of panic attacks. But even without a formal diagnosis, it can be helpful to realize that the symptoms you are grappling with are not unique to you—that many others go through something similar, and that we know how to help you overcome this distress and regain inner peace.

Note: You do not have to have all the symptoms below, in order for an incident to be a panic attack. Very rarely does somebody have every symptom of any disorder, whether physical or emotional. If you're burdened with a number of the symptoms below, you may be dealing with panic attacks—and if you have them frequently, you might have panic disorder.

Symptoms of panic attacks include:

  • Intense fear, or dread

  • Dizziness, faintness, lightheadedness, disorientation.

  • Feeling out of control

  • Fear of dying or of going crazy

  • Shortness of breath, or feeling of smothering

  • Palpitations or pounding heart

  • Numbness or tingling in hands or fingers

  • Trembling or shaking

  • Feelings of detachment or unreality

  • Excessive Sweating

  • Urge to escape

  • Fear of impending doom

  • Chills or hot flashes

  • Nausea or stomach aches or cramps

  • Chest pain

Panic attacks often last about 10 minutes, or so—but can leave you feeling very drained, and shaken for much longer...especially if you don't yet know what a panic attack is.

Panic attacks can have similar symptoms to other purely medical problems, some serious, like heart disease. Indeed, it's not at all uncommon for people to rush to the emergency room thinking that they're having a heart attack or are about to faint...and to be told, after testing, that they've had a panic attack. But it's critical to rule out a serious medical condition before assuming it's anxiety. So it's important to get a medical checkup if you're experiencing panic attack symptoms.

Nearly 2 and a half million Americans have panic disorder. It is not a particularly rare condition. And we know how to help.

If you have panic attacks or panic disorder, and would like to overcome this very unpleasant condition, please call Michael Posner, MSW, LCSW at (918) 830-3750, and we'll find a convenient time for you to call in and begin to work on it, and start regaining your freedom and peace of mind.